In 2019, China surpassed the United States as the country of origin for international patent applications filed with WIPO, being the first time in 40 years that the United States has been surpassed in PCT registration.
According to WIPO data, last year, a total of 265,800 international patent applications were filed via PCT, coming from 58,990 in China, while from the United States were 57,840. Japan, for its part, remains in 3rd position and South Korea in 5th.
These numbers highlight the long-term trend of innovation shifting to the East, as more than half of PCT applications come from Asia.
Why is interesting that my company opens a business in China?
China is in a key position compared to other Asian countries.
In fact, it is the leader of its region and the 2nd economy worldwide. It is the country with the largest number of inhabitants and with the highest economic growth in the last 25 years. In fact, there are more and more middle / upper class with consumption capacity.
What are the conditions for investment?
The conditions are optimal since, broadly speaking, there is an abundance of employment, low cost of land, market potential, favorable legislation for foreign investment, commercial opening.
China is currently considered “the factory of the world”, but it is also the center of studies and business for large multinational companies.
Shipping in China
60% of world freight shipping is generated in Asia.
And of the 10 largest sea freight ports in the world, 6 are in China.
Patents and Trademarks in China
For all the above, if you decide to open a business in China, we can help you with the registration of your trademarks and patents in China, in addition to all of Asia, in order to protect your company and be able to prevent third parties from taking advantage of your work, time and investment.
For more information, contact us, trust professionals:
June 29, 2020
Lexlem IP
Tags: Asia, China, Intellectual Property, marcas, OMPI, patentes, patents, PCT, Propiedad Industrial, trademarks, WIPO